Zen Steady (Art Taryan) has devoted his life to music, wellness, and to the mystical arts of ascension. His values include integrity, community, curiosity, and courage. Zen is a multi-instrumentalist, hybrid DJ, and a published electronic music producer. Following a profound mystical experience, his burning spiritual passion is Tantra, wherein he is a certified teacher, devoted practitioner, and a lifelong student. Zen serves the community by leading workshops/events or private sessions in Tantra, shamanic breathwork, sound healing, and ecstatic dance!
In the spirit of peace, Zen conducts free guided sound bath meditations nearly every Monday evening on Insight Timer. These meditations incorporate psychoacoustics that cultivate presence, peace, and manifestation. It is best to connect with him over Instagram at ZenSteady or visit his website ZenSteady.com. Peace & blessings to all. Deep deep gratitude. 🙏❤️
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