
Welcome to the schedule planner for Interfusion Festival occurring on January 9 - 13, 2025. Plan your experience and create a customized photo frame. If you purchase multiple tickets under one e-mail, please use the following form to confirm the e-mail of each individual in the group to ensure they may access schedule sign-ups. Each attendee must complete the online waiver form before entering festival grounds. 

Saturday January 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
When is the last time you gave yourself space to dive deep within you & ask...  who am I? What is needed of me? How can I serve? How can I show up for the highest good? And what is life inviting me to become? This ritual-style writing practice is here for you to invite more of these questions into your life as a powerful pause for contemplation within a weekend of big transformation — and to potentially leave you with guidance for your journey forward. With nothing but a journal & pen in hand, we will traverse time and space to create a container of curiosity, reflection, and creation utilizing various practices (that might include meditation, gentle movement, partner work, & writing exercises) designed to get you thinking. What comes of this sacred time together is to be determined, but prepare to be surprised (and perhaps delighted) by what is possible when you give yourself the spaciousness to witness, to unfurl, to become..."

🌶️ Mild: The workshop does not invite sensuality or sexuality. There will be no facilitator invitations to cuddle or share moving touch, plus no welcoming or invoking of sexual energy. Any partner dancing that occurs will default to or center open position.
avatar for Elyza Dolby

Elyza Dolby

Yoga Instructor, Healing Arts Program
Elyza Dolby is a 500-RYT yoga instructor, space holder, movement facilitator, and mama to a bright little sun, currently living + loving in the mountains of Northwest New Jersey.During the pandemic, she went from teaching yoga full-time to realizing and cultivating a vision for birthing... Read More →
Saturday January 11, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
Studio A (Skyview)
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