
Welcome to the schedule planner for Interfusion Festival occurring on January 9 - 13, 2025. Plan your experience and create a customized photo frame. If you purchase multiple tickets under one e-mail, please use the following form to confirm the e-mail of each individual in the group to ensure they may access schedule sign-ups. Each attendee must complete the online waiver form before entering festival grounds. 

Saturday January 11, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Climate change is real! Both inside as well as outside. This groundbreaking concept reveals how the state of our inner environment dictates our overall well-being. Diseases are intricately interconnected, not only among themselves but also across our mental and physical planes. By understanding and mastering your Inner Climate, you can navigate the changes within your body and return to optimal health

🌶️ Mild: The workshop does not invite sensuality or sexuality. There will be no facilitator invitations to cuddle or share moving touch, plus no welcoming or invoking of sexual energy. Any partner dancing that occurs will default to or center open position.
avatar for Nidhi Pandya

Nidhi Pandya

Wisdom & Science Program
Nidhi is an Ayurvedic Doctor based in NYC and the creator of the Inner Climate Method (TM). This groundbreaking approach, which merges timeless wisdom with modern science, represents the essence of her 15 years of dedicated practice and deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles.Raised... Read More →
Saturday January 11, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Studio C1 (Salon C/D/E)
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