
Welcome to the schedule planner for Interfusion Festival occurring on January 9 - 13, 2025. Plan your experience and create a customized photo frame. If you purchase multiple tickets under one e-mail, please use the following form to confirm the e-mail of each individual in the group to ensure they may access schedule sign-ups. Each attendee must complete the online waiver form before entering festival grounds. 

Saturday January 11, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EST
What are the ways your body gives you pleasure? Why do we often have such complicated relationships with our bodies? Where are we getting messages about how we should feel and why are we hearing them? In this workshop that combines small group discussion, lecture and movement, sexologist and professional fitness instructor Dr Timaree will help you examine the sources of negative body image, as well as identify your strongholds for body love.

🌶️ 🌶️  Medium: The workshop invites sensuality, moving touch, cuddles, or extended close physical contact with others, but does NOT invite sexuality or nudity.
avatar for Dr. Timaree Schmit

Dr. Timaree Schmit

Intimacy & Sexuality Program
Sexologist Dr. Timaree Schmit is a professor, writer and consultant in human sexuality and believes that sexual freedom is the foundation of social justice. She is the co-host of the long-running Philly favorite sex education/comedy show DTF: Darryl & Timaree Fun Hour, long-time LGBT... Read More →
Saturday January 11, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EST
Studio C2 (Salon F/G/H)
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