
Welcome to the schedule planner for Interfusion Festival occurring on January 9 - 13, 2025. Plan your experience and create a customized photo frame. If you purchase multiple tickets under one e-mail, please use the following form to confirm the e-mail of each individual in the group to ensure they may access schedule sign-ups. Each attendee must complete the online waiver form before entering festival grounds. 

Monday January 13, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Join David for his own personal fusion blend of foundational Hatha yoga and Kundalini kriya yoga. Utilizing deep powerful breathing techniques combined with continuous repetitive movements, our aim will be to open up and unlock the spine. Applying long holds in static Hatha postures that will steadily evolve into a mindful vinyasa flow state at times, we will strengthen, invigorate and move our bodies together. David’s thorough and meticulously detailed instruction of how we will move and breathe through this practice allows for all levels of experience to feel welcome. Props like blankets, blocks, belts, bolsters are all highly recommended but not required. At the conclusion of the physical portion of the class, we will take an extended savasana where David will bathe all participants in a powerful sound bath with his array of large gongs. This is sure to be a potent experience to top off your Interfusion 2025!

🌶️ Mild: The workshop does not invite sensuality or sexuality. There will be no facilitator invitations to cuddle or share moving touch, plus no welcoming or invoking of sexual energy. Any partner dancing that occurs will default to or center open position.

avatar for David Martin

David Martin

Healing Arts Program
David combines his skill set as a Yogi, Reiki Master and Neuro-Acoustic Sound Practitioner, to create an immersive experience in Naad Yoga (the Yoga of Sound) and Sound Meditation. Not only is the gong a sonic experience, it also facilitates a deep ultrasonic massage-like experience... Read More →
Monday January 13, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Studio C1 (Salon C/D/E)
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